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Relevant Old Thesis Projects

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MacKay; Laura; Scheerer; Ann and Takada; Tomomi


Entrepreneurs as Change Agents to Move Communities towards Sustainability, pp. 118. TEK/avd. för maskinteknik, 2005.


 This thesis argues that since the current global economic system contributes to the degradation of local economies and communities, alternative economic models based on multiple self-reliant economies led by community-based entrepreneurs could create a basis for a more sustainable global society. The research questions work to clarify how this vision of an alternate economic structure could become reality, and identify a gap in the skills base of current progressive entrepreneurs. Employing the method of backcasting and using an iterative research dynamic between the current reality of progressive entrepreneurs, as understood through case study interviews in four countries, and a vision of entrepreneurs as community-based change leaders, a new concept of entrepreneurship emerges in community sustainability entrepreneurship. The results point to four interactive skills for entrepreneurs, specifically that entrepreneurs a) hold and realize a vision of sustainable enterprise within sustainable community, b) support community needs through an ability to capitalize on community assets, c) develop competency in sustainable development and d) participate effectively in networks. Conclusions detail specific steps that can be taken by entrepreneurs, community development professionals and academics to realize the vision of entrepreneurs as community-based change leaders.




Heidi Blankenship; Viktor Kulhavý; Jonas Lagneryd

Introducing Strategic Sustainable Development in a business incubator, pp. 62. TEK/avd. för maskinteknik, 2007


This qualitative action research explores integration of Strategic Sustainable Development (SSD) at Inova business incubator (Karlstad, Sweden). Researchers and incubator agreed that planning with sustainability in mind at a very early stage of company development may have important impacts on future business success and societal welfare.

The objective was to answer how SSD could be integrated into the processes at Inova and how Inova staff’s and entrepreneurs’ understanding of sustainability demonstrably evolve after exposure to SSD.

Apart from general research methods, SSD methods and tools were used with three entrepreneurs and business incubator staff. The Five Level Framework for Planning and Decision-making in complex systems and the Templates for Sustainable Product Development approach were central to the study.

Inova staff and entrepreneurs began to develop; an understanding of business’ dependence on and relationship to broader societal and ecological systems; and an ability to use backcasting from the basic socio-ecological principles of sustainability in business planning. In turn they experienced an increased capacity to identify sustainability related business risks and opportunities.

A new incubation process integrating SSD was created. Although the outcome is specific to Inova, it is general enough for other assistance organizations to gain insight from. In conclusion, SSD should be integrated as early as possible in the business planning of start up companies. Organizations with a mission of assisting entrepreneurs have an important role to play

In further research it is recommended that visionary sustainability leaders are identified and tracked from start up.




Shannon E. Fitzgerald; Estela Luck A.; Anne L. Morgan
Strategies for Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Supplier Interaction Devices, pp. 82. TEK/avd. för maskinteknik, 200


In a competitive business environment that requires strategy and innovation to improve the bottom line, supply chain management has been vital in creating competitive advantage. Increasingly, companies are also identifying sustainability as an opportunity to create competitive advantage. This project explores supply chains as a leverage point in advancing sustainable development. Corporations have developed different tools to interact with their suppliers on sustainability. Three of these devices were analyzed against a framework for strategic sustainable development to identify some of their strengths and weaknesses. A general set of criteria for sustainable supply chain management devices that employs a strategic, whole-systems perspective was then developed.



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